• Bullying and Cyberbullying Prevention
    and Intervention Strategies

    One-week course in:
    Budapest: €430 (5 days, 25 lessons)

Course Description

Bullying can unfortunately occur anywhere and at any time. In schools, both students and occasionally teachers can be targets of bullying. This can lead to early school dropout and negatively impact mental and physical health, as well as the academic performance of individuals or groups. Such behaviour is unacceptable and must be addressed. It is essential to demonstrate that there are effective solutions to this issue.

This course is designed to educate parents, students, teachers, and headmasters on the various methods of preventing and intervening in daily aggression and victimization that happens in schools and online. Participants will learn strategies to decrease the frequency and severity of school aggression. The course includes a variety of activities, both inside and outside the classroom. Participants will prepare and deliver presentations, learn how to start a school campaign, plan a school-based aggression prevention program collaboratively, engage in role-playing games and drama, become familiar with conflict management strategies, create short videos, analyse film scenes, and examine the roles individuals play in bullying situations. By the end of the course, participants will be equipped to manage difficult and aggressive students, address bullies, support victims, and foster a peaceful and inclusive school environment. They will also be knowledgeable about different intervention and prevention programs.

Learning Objectives

  • Learners are expected to achieve the following learning objectives
  • Raise and maintain awareness of bullying
  • Increase pupils’ interest and motivation towards activities with a preventive character
  • Develop pupils’ communication skills
  • Encourage pupils to face problems
  • Develop pupils’ team spirit
  • To get the parents involved in its prevention
  • Use educational platforms to promote its prevention
  • Reduce the frequency and extent of school aggression
  • Encourage students to take a stand against bullying
  • Behave properly online

Course Schedule

Day 1 Course introduction
  • Introduction and Icebreaker
  • Presentations of the participants’ schools
Day 2 Aggression, bullying and cyberbullying
  • Definition of aggression
  • Negative and positive aggression
  • Types of aggression in schools
  • What is (not) bullying and cyberbullying?
  • Signs, types, features, and possible reasons
  • Researches
  • Children with a higher risk of being bullied
  • Children at risk for being bullies
  • Participant roles in bullying situations
  • Virtual world, online behavior
  • Dangers of using the Internet, cyber predators
  • Types and signs of cyberbullying
  • Differences and similarities between them
  • Impact of bullying on victims, bullies, bystanders, families, and schools
Day 3 Prevention & Intervention – What schools can do
  •  Implementing bullying prevention programmes
  • Developing Anti-Bullying Policies and Procedures
  • Organizing Anti-Bullying Day
  • Involving students (Peer education)
  • Starting school campaigns or projects
Day 4 Prevention & Intervention – What school staff can do
  • Providing sensitivity trainings for students and teachers
  • Creating an accepting and relaxed school atmosphere
  • Using educational platforms to promote prevention
  • Making surveys, publishing the results
  • Having cooperative vs. competitive classrooms
  • Building positive relationships in the school
  • Applying conflict management
  • Using drama techniques
Day 5 Prevention & Intervention – what parents and students can do
  • Improving children’s empathy and self-confidence
  • Teaching children about tolerance and diversity
  • Using nonviolent communication
  • Monitoring children’s internet usage?
  • Teaching children about Internet safety
  • Q&A
  • Closing Remarks, and Certificate Distribution

The designer and trainer of this course is Levente Batár.

Dates and Prices

Language level:English B1 and above*
Locations:Budapest (Hungary)
Time:9 AM to 2:30 PM daily (extracurricular activities outside of learning activities)
Dates:Budapest: 15-19 July 2024, 22-26 July 2024, 29 July - 2 August 2024, 5-9 August 2024, 19-23 August 2024 (5 days, 25 lessons)
Price:€430 (5 days) - including extracurricular cultural activities and welcome dinner

*The language of the course is English, linguistic aid may be provided for speakers of Hungarian with lower language abilities.


The course complies with all rules as set in the Quality Standards of the Erasmus+ program. Courses are including an extracurricular cultural activity and welcome dinner, and study groups are international. Note: should the latter condition not be met, participants will be informed 40 days in advance.

Payment facilities: participants with funding from the actual year’s project budget may ask to request a deposit of EUR 100 to guarantee their places on the course and pay the rest of the fees later.

It is possible to take part in 2 consecutive courses, please book both separately. A price reduction of 15% will be applied.